JASDF Hyakuri airshow

Hyakuri is the closest fighter base to Tokyo. What does this mean? - People!
There will be lots of people heading to the show, by train/bus and car.
If you are going, act early! Take the 1st train, or drive to the show parking around midnight and sleep in the car (which is not illegal in Japan) to wait for the gate to open.
Otherwise, you will get to the showsite only after the fighter action is over!
If you get there all right, you will be rewarded with great RF-4 and F-15 demo flights.
RF-4 will perform recon mission over the air show site, and soon after this plane lands, the photo of show site will be developed, enlarged and posted.

If you are interested in visiting this airshow or any other Japanese Airshow featured in this site, please refer to the page "Guide to Visiting Airshows in Japan"

RF-4 with Flare
RF-4EJ (F-4EJ Phantom modified with reconnaissance camera pods) 57-6374 of JASDF 501Recon. Sqn releases flare.

F-15J takeoff and Turn
F-15J of JASDF 305TFS 32-8941 takes off and makes an immediate left turn.
Photo taken from outside the base on airshow practice day.

C-1 Takeoff
C-1 takes off at dawn, after the JASDF training display.

CH-47 takes off as the sun sets.

P-3C Fly-By
P-3C 5053 of JMSAF 206 Training Flight Sqn. makes a fly-by after the airshow.

T-2 Blue Impulse takeoff at Dawn
T-2 Blue Impulse takes off at dawn to return to its homebase in Matsushima.
Photo taken from outside the base.

F-4EJ改 右横
F-4EJ-Kai of 302 sqn, first stationed in Hokkaido, then to Okinawa, and is now in Ibaragi - Hyakuri air base.

F-4EJ改 送り
Ground attack demonstration of F-4EJ-Kai.

F-15J サクラ右旋回
F-15J makes a right turn after takeoff.

RF-4E makes a fly-by overhead.

RF-4E making a tight right turn, just above me.

Copyright 2001 Morimoto, Makoto : All Rights Reserved.