I have been attending Atsugi open house ever since I was in high school. This was a great show that the carrier based aircraft of CVW-5 performs various demo flights. Beyond the U.S. Navy demonstration, world class aerobatics pilots like Sean Tucker showed their performance to Japanese audience and the show has been considered "the most exciting airshow, so much like U.S. airshows held in Japan." I found it also very interesting that I can "feel the air of U.S." without visiting, as there are many shops that serve U.S. style foods and drinks (of course, frankly, not all of them are good...)
Atsugi was an imperial Japanese navy fighter base to defend Tokyo and its suburbs from B-29s. For this reason, it was located close to metropolitan Tokyo. After the war, as Japanese economy grew, more people moved to Tokyo and its suburbs and Cities like Yamato and Ayase, where the base is located, were no exception. (Note: Although named Atsugi, the base is a little far away from the city of Atsugi) Residents of these cities complained the noise from jets for many years. Many of the complaints included the noise and low flying of the aircraft for the "Wings" airshow. In the year 2001, these voices of the residents were honored, and flight demonstration was not held. It is most likely there will be no flight demonstration during the open house in the future.
So, if you like to see a flying aircraft, don't go to the Wings airshow. If you are not keen on seeing aircraft action, but instead would like to take a close look at the parked aircraft and check its serial number, you should still enjoy the Wings airshow (... or groundshow, I should say)
If you want to see planes flying, visit the base the day before or after the airshow when most of the static display aircraft arrive and depart. You may also visit Atsugi on weekdays when the aircraft carrier is in port, for the pilots of CVW-5 will do a massive practice flights.
If you are interested in visiting this airshow or any other Japanese Airshow featured in this site, please refer to the page "Guide to Visiting Airshows in Japan" |