I decided to go to CAF airshow when I found out the San Francisco Fleet Week has been canceled due to Sept. 11, 2001 attack on U.S. The CAF airshow 2001 went on as scheduled, with lots of warbirds static display, formation flights, combat display and modern military jets performance. It even hosted USAF Thunderbirds which, according to the original schedule was supposed to be on a Pacific tour. CAF airshow is a must see, especially if you like warbirds.
P-40N/Mark IV N1226N in the "Flying Tigers" marking.
Zero replica AI-111 / N4447 fly during the "Tora Tora Tora!" pearl harbor attack demo.
Kate replica Al-356 / N3725G also fly for the "Tora Tora Tora"
B-17G "Texas Raiders" 44-83872 / N7227C
B-25J "Yellow Rose" N25YR
B-25J "Show Me" N3481G
B-25J "Devil Dog" N9683C
B-25J "Miss Mitchell" N27493 in an aluminum finish fly close to the simulated Flak burst..
B-25J N1943J with "Apache Princess" noseart.
F4F takes off to intercept Japanese Zeros.
F4F Widlcats chasing Zero.
TBM-3E Avenger Bu.85882 / N9584Z in a gray camouflage.
Another Avenger, TBM-3S AS Mk.3 Bu.53503 / N53503 in flight.
The only remaining flyable Helldiver, SB2C-5 Bu.83589 / N92879.
Stinson L-5 Sentinels "War Bug" N45TX in flight.
Polikarpov I-16 - a Soviet Union fighter.
Yak-3M N529SB in the Free French Normandie Nieman Group marking.
Casa 352.L N352JU is a Spanish built Junkers Ju-52 transport aircraft.
Spitfire Mk.IXc (Two seater) TE308 / N308WK.
You often see many P-51s at airshows, but the early model A-C like this P-51C-10NT NL61429 "Tuskegee" is very rare.
Beautiful formation break of P-51D "Gunfighter" N5428V and P-47D "Tarheel Hal" NX4747P.
B-17G "Sentimental Journey" N9323Z
Looks like a B-24 but is actually a LB-30A transport version, "Diamond Lil" N24927
B-29 FiFi 44-62070 / N529B - the only one flyable of its kind.
Many Trainers fly for the "America trains for war" review, including these BT-13s.
Lockheed Lodestar, C-60A-1-LO "Lady Lodestar" 42-55884 / N30N.
Another Lodestar, this one modified into Howard 250 after the WW2. Cn.2598 / N6371.
C-46F "China Doll" 44-78663 / N53594.
Another C-46F is "The Tinker Belle" 44-78774 / N78774".
This is the U.S. Navy version of DC-3, R4D-6S "Ready 4 Duty" Bu.50783 / N151ZE. This aircraft was used for Anti-sub mission in south America and has actually sunk an U-boat.
U.S. Army Air Force version of DC-3 is the C-47B-DK "The Black Sparrow" 33345 / N227GB.
Soviet Union's post-war transport, Antonov An-2 "Big Panda" N2AN.
Fairchild C-119G N8093 Flying Boxcar did not fly for the show.
See the sound barrier - F/A-18D from VFA-125 NJ-347 / Bu.164009 flying almost at the speed of sound.
Legacy Flight - Grumman Bearcat F8F-2 N7825C fly with VFA-125's F/A-18D Hornet
Nice photo pass of B-1B "Bad Company" 86-0130 / DY by USAF 7BW 28BS .
Old and New Thundebolts, joined by a Mustang. A-10A is USAF 23AG 74FS 79-0138 / FT P-51D is "Gunfighter" N5428V P-47D is "Tarheel Hal" NX4747P
Manfred Radius' incredible inverted glider (C-JGND) ribbon cut.
If the Sept 11, 2001 attack did not happen, the Thunderbirds were supposed to be on a Pacific tour. Number one aircraft breaks away from diamond formation at the end of the show.