Patroille Suisse & the PC-7 Team

Started in 1964 with Hawker Hunter fighter, the team changed to F-5E in 1995.

Patroille Swiss F-5E Tiger II fly below me at the famous Axalp flight display.

Patrouille Suisse Diamond formation

Center pylon, below the fuselage, seems to be always present.

Patrouille Suisse formation change

The team use six F-5E supersonic jets, meaning they are more "American style" rather than "European style".

Patrouille Suisse formation pass

An excellent paint job, with swiss flag on the belly.


Opposing pass

Patrouille Suisse left echelon

Left Echelon. Because both the pilots and aircraft are not fully assigned to aerobatic display, the guns can easily be made active.
The photo has been taken outside of the airfield, during the Air04 airshow.

パトルイユスイス F-5 アクサルプ編隊飛行

Same formation but different location - Axalp


The final - six aircraft spread away as they release the flare.

F-5E on ground

Reserve aircraft on static display.


The aircraft in Patroille Suisse colors but this photo was taken during the drone target shooting display at Axalp.
Note the drone unit attached to center pylon.
Although the aircraft bears Patroille Suisse marking, the internet address normally written behind the air intake seems to be mising.

In addition to the Patroille Suisse, Swiss Air Force operates another demonstration team, the PC-7 team, established in 1987.

PC-7 team and F/A-18

In addition to the Patroille Suisse, Swiss Air Force operates another demonstration team, the PC-7 team, established in 1987.

PC-7 team Diamond

9 PC-7 forms big diamond formation - very impressive.

PC-7 team Diamond turn

Big formation, Small turn is made possible with a use of 9 slow speed trainers


The huge canopy is apparent from this view.

PC-7 team opposing pass



Pilots wave to the audience after the landing.

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