Snowbirds perform airshows across Northern America during May - Oct. They occasionally fly to California where they provide me an excellent photo opportunity. Although their aircraft may be outdated and not very powerful, their program and performance, along with the nice music they choose to fly with, are just beautiful. All photos here are taken when the Snowbirds visited airshows in California, USA.
In case you may not know, Snowbirds use 9x CT-114 Tutor aircraft for their show. Lets click on the photo for a larger view, and count them just in case. One, Two, Three ..... Nine, Ten !? What happened? Well, the photo was taken during the practice flight at Redding in 2002.
Preparing for a flight - #2 aircraft with its pilot, Captain Ian Searle, photo taken at Stockton in 1999.
Cleard for takeoff - The tutors start rolling. 2002 Redding airshow.
The first and second group of 3 aircraft each takes off normally, but on the last group, wingmen splits away from leader for an impressive performance.
Rare shot taken during the practice day of 2002 Redding airshow - 9 aircraft in big diamond roll, and folloing close by is the number 10 aircraft.
This shot was taken outside of the base, during the 1998 Travis AFB airshow.
Shot taken only seconds after the photo above.
Another one of the series of shots. After the formation flew overhead, it went into a climb and began changing formation to Concord. Just one of the many of Snowbirds' amazing changeover loop maneuvers.
Concord formation seen from show center, Stockton airshow in 1999.
Another shot of Concord formation near the top of its loop. Photo taken during Stockton airshow in 1999
Different formation climbing high up into blue Californian sky. Photo taken at Stockton in 1999.
Inverted Wedge formation makes a loop. Photo taken at Stockton in 1999.
Another photo of Inverted Wedge formation entering loop. Montains in the background are of the Lassen Volcanic National Park. Photo taken at 2002 Redding airshow.
Big Diamond formation makes a formation roll. Photo taken outside of the airfield, during the 1998 Travis AFB airshow.
Vertical break with 9 aircraft seen at 1999 Stockton airshow.
The other side - same vertical break as seen from outside the airfield during 1998 Travis AFB airshow.
Card nine formation. 1999 Stockton Arishow.
Feather formation by 7 aircraft. 1998 Travis AFB airshow.
Upward burst by 7 aircraft. 1999 Stockton Airshow.
Very Interesting - inverted split formation as seen during 1999 Stockton airshow.
A shot taken few seconds later. The color scheme makes it very easy to see if the aircraft is flying up side down or right side up.
7 aircraft breaks for a graceful level opener. Photo taken at 2002 Redding airshow.
Lead and opposing solo aircraft makes its opposing maneuver at the 1999 Stockton airshow. Distance between the aircraft is 10m, relative speed is 1200km/Hr, about the speed of sound.
Seen during the 1999 Stockton Airshow - This reminds me of a formation the Northern Lights perform
2 aircraft split away from formation. 1999 Stockton Airshow.
Lead Solo Inverted V formation taken during 1999 Stockton Airshow.
Oh my God ! what Happened ? "Crazy 3 on 1" - you said it. 1999 Stockton Airshow.
A kind of formation that makes you smile. 1999 Stockton Airshow.
Right and left wing of diamond formation becomes inverted. Photo taken at 2002 Redding airshow.
Snowbirds' 9 aircraft rejoin at the final part of their performance. Year 2002 Redding airshow.
The most famous Snowbirds' formation is this "Big Diamond" 1999 Stockton airshow.
Another view of the same "Big Diamond"
Big diamond at the end of a loop. Photo taken at Stockton Airshow in 1999.
Only the Snowbirds can do this in North America - 9 aircraft in line abreast. Redding airshow, 2002.
Big Arrow formation makes a right turn, with Mt. Shasta in the background. Photo taken at 2002 Redding airshow.
A closer vier of Big Arrow formation, taken a few seconds after the previous photo
Under a stormy sky, 9 aircraft approach with the smoke on and gears down. Sometimes a bad weather makes impressive photo. 1998 Salinas Airshow.
9 aircraft prepare to make a 9 ship landing at the end of Travis AFB airshow in 1998.
3 groups of 3 aircraft each approaches for landing at the end of 2002 Redding airshow.
I really like the night show Snowbirds perform at some airshow sites. Here, No.1 aircraft taxi for night show at the Salinas Airshow in 2000.
Another shot at the same airshow, this time the No.5 aircraft. Note the 30th anniversary marking on the fin.
1999 Stockton Airshow - I have the exact same photo taken during the daytime show, but takeoff at dawn is more better because of its colors.
This is the reason I like the night show so much - aircraft that glows golden orange as it climbs. Welcome to the Golden State! 1999 Stockton Airshow
Another shot taken during the most beautiful minutes of the day. 1999 Stockton Airshow.
Concord formation pass at the 2000 Salinas airshow.
Sorry, no more sunlight - but its OK because the sky is still beautiful and so are the twinkling lights on the nose of the Tutor. 1999 Stockton Airshow.
Nice roll ! 1999 Stockton Airshow.
I use Canon 300mm F4L lens with IS (Image Stabilizer) and Fuji Velvia film (iso 50) so I can capture the colors even there is almost no light. Photo taken at 2000 Salinas Airshow.
Direct your head to the West as you see the Snowbirds Big Diamonds circulating. Sunset was just few minutes ago. 1999 Stockton Airshow.
Now it is getting really dark (and cold) but as long as the camera can focus on the Tutor's headlights, I never give up taking photos. 1999 Stockton Airshow.
Well, it is getting really tough for photos now. This will be my last shot for the night show. See you tomorrow during the day show! 1999 Stockton Airshow.
"Fake" Golden Hawks' Sabre jet on display at Speyer museum in Germany. Golden hawks was the predecessor of Snowbirds, performing demonstration during 1959 - 1964. |