If you are at the Travis airshow, the best place to take photos are not from the show center but from outside of the base. |
Photo taken during practice day. |
Snowbirds (Year 1998) |
Vertical downward break. |
7 plane formation, without solo planes. |
Changing formation as they climb. |
Beautiful Big Delta Roll. |
All 9 planes land at the same time at airfilelds like Travis with wide runway. |
Diamond formation passing. Note the No.4 plane is a two seater. |
Dirty formation approaching overhead. |
The dirty diamond formation seen from below, with No.1 and No.4 aircraft overlap makes an interesting shot. |
Solo joins diamond for the "five card" |
Five card loop. |
Delta formation making a sharp turn. |
Delta formation passes overhead for a delta loop maneuver. |
After the 4 plane cross, planes join up rapidly to form once again the delta formation. |
Travis airshow related links |
What you can see |