Although there are no "fancy" flight display by the modern fighter jets, this is a great show if you like warbirds and classical aircraft. Too bad it is always held in May when there is a potential of fog to cancel the flight. Still, the massive old time aircraft on static display are well worth the visit.
Interstate S-1 Cadet, NC34939
Consolidated Fleet, NC8616, built in 1929
Steaman 4E, NC663K
NC8877 is Curtiss Wright Travel Air 4000, a beautifully Restored aricraft in the markings of Crissy Field based Pacific Air Transport Air Mail. Built in 1929.
Hawker Sea Fury FB Mk.11,Restored with RAN markings, is "Southern Cross" WH587 / N260X
Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress"Aluminium Overcast" is 44-85740 / N5017N
P-51A-1NA, 43-6006 / N51Z "Polar Bear" in formation with P-51D-20NA, 44-72483 /N151DM "Ridge Runner III"
Graceful flight of AC-47 "Spooky" (Or Puff the magic dragon, or simply Puff) that appeared in the year 2002 show.
Messerschmitt Bf-108 in the marking of JG54.
Eddie Andreini's PJ-13D Super Stearma (modified) fly in formation with Showcpters' Robinson R22 facing completely the wrong way!
Another view of Eddie's Stearman, this time with a wing walker on its wing. The Fog in the background gives the impression as if the plane is flying high above.
"Otto" the helicopter playing with his Yo-Yo.
Wayne Handley in Raven fly inverted for a ribbon cut.
Northern Lights - great civilian aerobatics team.
"You'll never be late for school" - a school bus with Jet Engine dashes on the runway.
Long time exposure shot taken during the Friday night show performance.
Glow show of hot air balloons at the night show. |